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Celebrating Christ's Power Through Our Weakness! (2 Cor 12:9)


Welcome to The Prodigal Journey!  This podcast was born out of my own story and the hurt I have caused others, as well as hurt I have experienced from others.  Our goal is to make this a safe place for you to experience God's grace and love, and to connect with others in your own journey.  We want to create a community of people who can be vulnerable, and experience the freedom that comes from allowing Christ to be the center of your life.  There is no greater joy than serving Jesus, spreading the Good News of the Gospel, and being able to see Him do a work in the lives of others.  We are never promised that this life will be easy, but we can share the burdens with other believers and allow others to empathize and connect with our pain.

Everyone has a story, and every story is equally important. So come join The Prodigal Journey as we celebrate Christ's power through our weakness!