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Celebrating Christ's Power Through Our Weakness! (2 Cor 12:9)

Drug Addiction Episodes

This category covers topics and interviews that deal with drug addiction.
Jan. 24, 2021

TPJ03 | Chained But Free | Jeremy Lister | 1.24.21

Today we talk to Jeremy Lister. I first met Jeremy a few weeks ago at our church’s Regen discipleship program. He is very passionate about his faith, friends, and doesn’t know a stranger. Jeremy spent a lot of time in and out...

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Dec. 15, 2020

TPJ02 | Don't Flirt With Sin | Brett Porter | 12.14.20

Brett Porter joins us today. He is a friend and was one of my co-leaders when I first went through our churches 12 step discipleship program called "Regen". We talk about how "sin takes us farther than we want to go, and keep...

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